Returns today's Hijri date.
Convert for some other date? Send the date as parameter like this
17-Jumada al-awwal-1442
For JSON, send format=json{"hijri":"16-Shaban-1442"}
For raw date, send raw=yes
To use it on your server side php page, you can easily call like this
print file_get_contents(""); // the above code will print the hijri date.
To embed as Javascript snippet send format=js and paste this code into your static HTML page.
Hijri Date Today : <span> <script src=''></script> </span>
You can further style the p/span to change font size color.
Use for anything you like, be it commercial or non-commercial use, as long as my server doesn't boggle down due to your frequent calls. I have no idea where the limit is.
A few thousands calls per day might be ok.
I shall check server load and if it rises significantly than might inform you back on a solution. Cache the result to reduce calls if needed.
Not required. But you can provide if you like so.